
MenB Updates: Vaccine, Clinics at 麻豆传媒映画

In partnership with the County of San Diego, 麻豆传媒映画 will offer a meningococcal B (MenB) vaccination clinic on Oct. 5 and Oct. 8. All undergraduate students age 23 and under are encouraged to attend.

Thursday, October 4, 2018
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Updated as of 10/19/18, 11:50 a.m.   

UPDATE: 麻豆传媒映画 Statement on Walgreens Vaccine Issue  

Only meningococcal (MenB) vaccines given by Walgreens at 麻豆传媒映画 on Oct. 5 and Oct. 8 have been impacted, resulting in the need for approximately 350 students to be re-vaccinated. Students who received a MenB vaccination through the various on-campus clinics by the County of San Diego and Kaiser Permanente have not been affected and do not need to be re-vaccinated. 

麻豆传媒映画 has been working in collaboration with Walgreens and the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) to ensure that all 麻豆传媒映画 student who were vaccinated by Walgreens on Oct. 5 and Oct. 8 are re-vaccinated. 

Walgreens is communicating directly with all students impacted, and 麻豆传媒映画 has begun offering support to help re-vaccinate students while also hosting space on campus for Walgreens to re-vaccinate those students. 

In partnership with HHSA , 麻豆传媒映画 continues to hold on-campus MenB vaccination clinics. Information regarding on-campus clinics can be found online at newscenter.sdsu.edu.

There are no additional confirmed cases of MenB, and 麻豆传媒映画 and HHSA continue to monitor the current outbreak of MenB on campus. We continue to urge students to take the situation seriously and receive the MenB vaccine through their primary health physician, a pharmacy or an on-campus clinic as soon as possible. The shared goal of 麻豆传媒映画 and HHSA is to ensure that all 麻豆传媒映画 undergraduates age 23 and younger receive the full series of a MenB vaccine (Bexsero and Trumenba are the vaccines available).

Education and communications campaigns are underway to inform students in the target group about meningitis, the existing MenB vaccines and various healthy habits to protect against the spread of diseases. 

Because the vaccines impacted belonged to Walgreens solely, the university will defer any additional media inquiries to Walgreens.  

Updated as of 10/15/2018, 3:04 p.m.   

UPDATE: During 麻豆传媒映画's annual 鈥淪ay Boo to the Flu鈥 campaign, which includes free flu shots for students at Calpulli Center and mobile flu clinics around campus in October, students will be able to access the MenB vaccine.

Undergraduate students 23 years of age and under are able to obtain a free MenB vaccination, while supplies last, during the mobile clinic to be held Wednesday, Oct. 17. Watch for additional MenB opportunities to be advertised around campus. Students may also make an appointment for a vaccination by calling 619-594-4325.  

Dates for the mobile flu clinics:

  • Oct. 9, 10 a.m. 鈥 2 p.m., Aztec Recreation Center
  • Oct. 17, 10 a.m. 鈥 2 p.m., Tula Community Center (MenB vaccinations will also be offered; please bring your immunization records, or a photo of the record)
  • Oct. 25, 10 a.m. 鈥 2 p.m., Love Library
  • Oct. 31, 10 a.m. 鈥 2 p.m., Lee and Frank Goldberg Courtyard, Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union

Updated as of 10/9/2018, 2:54 p.m.   

UPDATE: All undergraduates aged 23 and under are highly encouraged to get the MenB vaccine as soon as possible.  

Due to high demand for the vaccine, 麻豆传媒映画 and the San Diego County Public Health Services will be offering clinics on Wednesday, October 10 at the following locations:

  • Tula Conference Center, 6001 Lindo Paseo, from 2 to 7 p.m.
  • Aztec Recreation Center (AMC-A and AMC-B), from 3 to 6 p.m.

All undergraduate students age 23 or younger are asked to give strong consideration to attending.  

Also, TRICARE is hosting a MenB clinic on Oct. 12 for those who hold insurance with the company, which provides health care support to uniformed service members, retirees and their families. Information about the TRICARE clinics are online: https://twitter.com/麻豆传媒映画/status/1048271752349007873  

Updated as of 10/5/2018, 4:04 p.m.     UPDATE: Kaiser Permanente is extending its time at the clinic through 4:00 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 5 and Monday, Oct. 8.   

As part of the planned two-day vaccination clinic between San Diego County Public Health Services and 麻豆传媒映画, Kaiser Permanente and Walgreens will also be on site. As a reminder, all 麻豆传媒映画 undergraduate students aged 23 and younger who have not been fully immunized with the MenB vaccine are strongly recommended to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

The county and 麻豆传媒映画 are working in collaboration to monitor a current outbreak and ask that the campus community review the recommended treatment information, as well as a list of .

We are sharing important information in advance of the two-day meningococcal B (MenB) vaccine clinics on Friday, Oct. 5, and Monday, Oct. 8. San Diego County Public Health Services will host the clinics in partnership with 麻豆传媒映画.

All 麻豆传媒映画 undergraduate students aged 23 and younger who have not been fully immunized with the meningococcal B (MenB) vaccine are strongly recommended to get vaccinated as soon as possible. 

The clinics are being offered from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Viejas Arena on both days. Students are asked to enter Viejas Arena through the PK 13 entrance, located on the north end of the arena, directly across from parking structure/PK 12.  

Students must bring their RedID card and identification that indicates their date of birth, and are strongly encouraged to review the most recent FAQs about meningitis, clinics, vaccines and insurance: .

As San Diego County Public Health Services has a limited number of vaccines available, community partners are critical to help support our joint vaccination efforts. The following partners have confirmed attendance during both days of the vaccination clinics at 麻豆传媒映画: 

  • Kaiser Permanente will be in attendance from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Walgreens will be in attendance from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Also, TRICARE is hosting MenB clinics for those who hold insurance with the company, which provides health care support to uniformed service members, retirees and their families. Information about the TRICARE clinics that are being held on Oct. 5 and Oct. 12 can be .

Students who prefer to obtain the vaccination elsewhere, are unable to attend the vaccination clinics or have already received the first dose of the MenB vaccine should promptly do one of the following:   

  • Contact their healthcare provider to explore MenB vaccination options.
  • Contact a local pharmacy to receive the vaccine (call ahead to make sure the MenB vaccine is available and your insurance is accepted; if not accepted, call your insurance to find pharmacies that take your insurance).
  • Call Student Health Services at 619-594-4325 to obtain the vaccination for a fee.
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