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Scholarships | Global Education | 鶹ýӳ



Scholarship search & tips

Many scholarships are available for study abroad participants. We encourage you to apply for as many as you are eligible for.

  • Apply early and be sure that you meet all eligibility requirements. 
  • Use the information on this website to learn about writing an effective personal statement 
  • Review scholarship information in the .

Learn about study abroad scholarships available by visiting the "Financing & Scholarships" section of the .


A personal statement is your introduction to a selection committee. It may be the most important element of your program or scholarship application. You may be invited to interview, selected as a finalist, and ultimately given an award largely based upon your personal statement. There is no one preferred format or style because a statement of purpose is personal in nature, but you should still follow basic writing guidelines.

The following list of steps and suggestions can assist you in composing a strong and convincing personal statement for your study abroad or scholarship application.

Identify why you have chosen to study abroad

This is an opportunity for you to establish goals for experience overseas, academically, professionally, and personally. What do you wish to accomplish from this experience? What motivates you to embark on this adventure? How will this endeavor give you a "competitive edge" and distinguish you from other candidates? Think beyond generalities such as, "Travel will make me a better person."


(Yes, it may be a graduation requirement, but how will you make the most of it?)

Brainstorm reasoning for persuasive content in your personal statement:

  • Learn more about a certain culture, region, or country
  • Improve your foreign language skills
  • Gain a different perspective on the world, America and yourself
  • Enhance graduate school and job applications
  • Build new life skills, including:
  • Self-confidence
  • Independence
  • Patience
  • Adaptability
  • Cross-cultural communications skills
  • Make friends from around the world
  • Have a transformative experience and an exciting adventure 
  • What other ideas do you have??

These factors will help you choose a program that best suits your needs while improving your scholarship essay!

Research your chosen destination

Research your destination and program thoroughly. You should be able to demonstrate knowledge (geography, history, culture, current events) of your chosen destination(s). Can you find the country or city on a map? What is attractive about living and studying there? You can always acquire a better picture for any place by reading travel narratives and asking for resources (suggested reading and viewing material). Talk to faculty, advisors and international students to get their insights.

Consider your personal characteristics and background

Let your personal statement give a snapshot of you, past, present, and future. What makes you unique and differentiates you from the "average" student? How will you express your individuality and personality? How have you prepared yourself to participate in this program, both academically and personally? Have you studied a foreign language and/or participated in any extracurricular activities? Keep in mind any “preference factors” for program or scholarship selection.

Create an outline for your essay

What will you cover in the introduction, supporting paragraphs and conclusion? A well-organized essay will allow the reader to better follow your reasoning.  All essays should have a thesis statement in the introduction. Consider beginning with a brief anecdote or quote, which may resonate with you and grab the reader´s attention.  Remember that all paragraphs normally begin with one topic sentence, followed by supporting content and specific examples. Observe the essay length requirement (commonly 500 to 1000 words).

Proofread and Edit your essay

Read your essay out load to recognize inconsistencies and any awkward or colloquial (informal) language. Request your family, friends, and faculty advisors read your essay to provide you their opinions and suggestions.

  • Use active and direct phrasing.
  • Use transition words.
  • Read your composition aloud to others, and get feedback from listeners.
  • Edit for grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Use a dictionary and/or thesaurus when needed.

Getting help

  • The  offers free tutoring sessions which are an opportunity for you to receive feedback and guidance from an experienced writer. We encourage you to see a tutor for assistance with grammar, sentence structure, and other writing elements.
  • Consult faculty and academic advisors for input and feedback!