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Advising | Global Education | 麻豆传媒映画




See the section for basic initial steps including applying for a passport, researching programs and reviewing frequently asked questions (FAQ).

GEO advising by college

All initial global education advising is conducted by academic college for both undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate students will see their designated Global Education Office Advisor listed as part of their student success team in . GEO advisors generally have both appointment availability and drop-by hours. All students must complete the online advising steps in the Aztecs Abroad database PRIOR to meeting with a GEO advisor.

Paul Yagi
[email protected]

Alicia Jones and Rosa Flores
[email protected] 

Paul Yagi
[email protected]

Kelsey Toyoda
[email protected]

Kelsey Easterly and Jazelle Johnson
[email protected]

Jazelle Johnson
[email protected]

Kelsey Toyoda
[email protected]

Contact Global Education office ([email protected])

Contact Global Education office ([email protected])


Visit the Global Education Office calendar for the most updated information on drop-ins and other events.


Undergraduate students:

1. See your academic support team in account

2. It is very important to discuss your study abroad plans with your academic advisor(s) as early as possible. Early planning for study abroad is fundamental to allowing you to stay on track to graduate and not get behind.

  • Review your degree audit
  • Adjustments to 麻豆传媒映画 degree 鈥渕ap鈥 to better accommodate study abroad (e.g. moving major electives into one semester and saving general education courses)
  • Considerations in selecting classes and keeping in mind prerequisites
  • How courses you take abroad will meet major or minor requirements
  • Best time to go abroad (e.g. summer or semester; sophomore or junior year)
  • Declaring a minor which provides more flexible graduation requirements, such as the 
  • If relevant, study abroad (or international experience) graduation requirement
Graduate students:

1. Schedule a meeting with

2. Review "Graduate Students - Academic Approval" at the bottom of this page for academic considerations related to your international experience.


Students take different amounts of courses depending on the duration and structure of the experience. All semester and academic year partcipants must be enrolled full-time or the equivalent of 12 麻豆传媒映画 units per semester. Summer and winter participants may take one or more courses for credit, or may participate in a non-credit bearing experience.

Review the individual program brochures for links to see what courses may be available on each program. Global Education Advisors will facilitate students locating the appropriate course listings. However, each student must show individual course descriptions to their academic advisor(s) for review.

Undergraduate Students - Academic Approval:

Prior to Departure:

  • 麻豆传媒映画 Undergraduate Academic Approval Form: Before you go abroad, you and your departmental academic advisor(s) will complete an Academic Approval Form to determine course equivalencies and how you will fulfill graduation requirements. Students who plan ahead and work closely with their academic advisors usually get full credit for classes they take abroad. You will obtain the Academic Approval Form online after your initial application is approved.
  • Lower- and Upper-division classes: The level of courses abroad is dependent on how academic advisors review the course content.  It may be necessary to show a course description or syllabus to your academic advisor before they can say if a course is lower- or upper-division.

While Abroad:

  • Your class schedule may change upon arrival at your host university, so you may need to contact your academic advisors to ask them about course equivalency.

Upon Return:

  • For coursework not approved beforehand, you will need to petition for credit upon your return to 麻豆传媒映画. The Request for Adjustment of Academic Record (RAAR) form is available from the  and from your major department.


Graduate Students - Academic Approval:

must be initiated by meeting with your graduate advisor to discuss the proposed coursework and the degree requirements you hope to satisfy while abroad.